
Pro-D & Onboarding Webinar

Every educator needs this information to help students in the classroom!!!
Thanks for taking the time to do the workshop. It was very interesting to hear what you had to say about movement and how important it is for babies to move a lot. I liked the idea of starting the morning off with movement in a class before work to wake the students up, along with us EA's and teachers. Very interesting workshop that I would definitely recommend. Thanks!
I enjoyed the movement. The instructiveness of this workshop kept me engaged.
Excellent presentation! Very informative with useful ideas to incorporate throughout each day.
This was a good start to really learning how to help our students using brain-based techniques. Looking forward to more webinars. I like that it is research-based.
The presenter was extremely knowledgeable. I love that the suggested exercises are applicable over all age groups. So thankful for the info on ADHD.
A tremendous amount of great information; latest research and tips to properly engage students and the brain.
Love brain science applied to learning and behaviour...very well articulated.
I enjoyed this webinar greatly. It provided a great deal of information that I can use in my classroom to be most effective for every student!!
This was just phenomenal!
I love that this came from a Chiropractor. The Body/Brain connection is amazing!
Thank you Dr. Dieleman! Excellent, informative, and engaging webinar!
What a thoughtful and useful presentation!! This is something that not only students would benefit from but also us educators. The presenters were clear and knowledgeable and left me wanting to learn more!! I would love to see more webinars on this topic.
This was one of the most informative, engaging webinars I have ever attended, and I have attended many! This was so valuable and relevant to my work. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your amazing resource with us to use immediately. We have now completed day two of Brain Bootcamp!
Thank you for taking the time to do this workshop. It was very interesting to hear what you had to say about movement and how important it is for babies to move a lot. I liked the idea of starting the morning off with movement in a class before work to wake the students up, along with us EA's and teachers. Very interesting workshop that I would definitely recommend. Thanks!
I would love to see more webinars like this.
Too short. It's so good - useful, informative, we want more!
I love learning about the brain and the presenter did a great job presenting her information!
I loved the brain and body exercises. I loved the interaction. The analogy of thinking of our brains as a forest.
Thank you! Very informative with practical advice!
Very interesting information, I feel I learned a lot about the brain and some cool strategies to try in class.
I found the presenter interesting, genuine and passionate about her topic which gave me new inspiration, ideas and motivation. The information was relevant and helpful.
Thank you for your lovely presentation. It was very informative and thank you for reminding me to spend a few minutes at the start of the lesson waking up my students' brains.
The information on how the brain actually works was truly fascinating and helpful for classroom application.
One of the best webinars I have attended. It was very informative, engaging, and relaxing (mindfulness).
Some information presented today will start to be used on day 1 of this school year! Thanks for the info!
There was so much wonderful information presented!! I would have loved this to be a 2 hour workshop. I have recommended it to fellow staff already. I appreciate the free 30 day access to their website and brain activities.
Wonderful suggestions and strategies to use! Thank you so much! Will definitely recommend a colleague to watch!
Super valuable information and excellent presentation.
Very interesting and great reasons to add movement to the school day!
Super applicable and timely. Eye-opening and confirming. Will definitely recommend it to others.
This was one of the best webinars I attended in a long time.
This was a fabulous presentation. Thank you so much for all the info! I can't wait to incorporate all these things when my school finally starts again.
Thank you Dr. Dieleman. This is one of the best webinars!
Thank you for this educational and applicable hour!
Thank you. This was a great reminder that all students can learn.
I will definitely share this with my colleagues. This is very informative!
This was great! We need more like this!

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