Professional Development with BrainAhead

Changing Classrooms, One Workshop at a Time

What is a BrainAhead Webinar?

Our goal at BrainAhead is to have every student and teacher achieve at their highest level so they can thrive in this ever changing world. Knowledge is power, and we have the knowledge that will allow schools to be their very best academically, socially, and emotionally.

What Does it Cover?

Our webinars are made for Kindergarten to Grade 5 focused educators, faculty and district administrators to bridge the gap between neuroscience and learning strategies. Our sessions cover how we can use what we know about the brain to help enhance our ability to thrive in this world, both as educators and students.

If you are an educator, principal, administrator or even a curious parent, BrainAhead webinars will provide you with the tools needed to successfully target and impact brain function, leaving you with students that are ready to maximize their potential.

Whether it is our signature BrainAhead webinar or a customized experience, our team will provide you with a highly transferable, productive session that can be applied right away.

In a BrainAhead Webinar, You Will:

• Receive the latest research on the brain and how its function is affecting your students and classroom

• Understand how and why the brain impacts readiness to learn, including innovative new research for education

• Learn easy-to-implement activities and movements that get students’ brains activated and ready to learn

• Help you onboard to the BrainAhead platform, pick your program and get comfortable so you can use these strategies for 30 days in the classroom

• Feel equipped with proven strategies to help improve classroom behaviour, emotions and learning at its core

How to Book

Please fill out the contact form below to get started on your Professional Development journey with us.

We can’t wait to work with you!

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